Δευτέρα 4 Νοεμβρίου 2013

The Clock Tower

Bosses of Cloak Tower

1. Makred the Foul

Makred acts like a buffed up Eye of Gruumsh.

His attacks consist of a forward spear thrust that launches whoever is in front of him backwards.

This attack is signaled by him rearing backwards to strike.

His second, and final, attack is to summon a symbol of Gruumsh to smite his foes, forcing them to lie prone. This attack is signaled by a floating symbol and a red circle on the target location.

Makred summons 2 Battle Tested orcs to fight by his side roughly half-way through the fight, you can focus them down if you want but they don't have a large impact on the fight.


2. Throg the Ravenous

Throg is an Ogre with a lot of extra health. He has the traditional ogre attacks of a heavy overheard chop and a right to left swing that knocks everyone in front of him away. He rears back for both of these attacks, so just watch for that and prepare to dodge or block.

Throg summons a handful of Axe Throwers, Drudges, and Battle Tested orcs, as well as an Eye of Gruumsh during this fight. Simply have a control mage use AoE's to keep them at bay.

Throg can be found in the Botanical Garden section of the Cloak tower, just make sure to go down the ramp instead of following the path.
Throg the Ravenous

3.Vansi Bloodscar

Vansi acts like a Battle Tested Ogre. She has a charge attack which she signals with a red circle at the target location. She also has an attack where she rapidly attacks in a cone in front of her, finishing it with a heavy swing, knocking all in front of her away.

Vansi summons a heavy amount of Drudges, and unlike the previous bosses, these must be dealt with before your party become swarmed.

Have one or two players deal with them - Control Wizards tend to be the most effective versus large packs, but any class can do it.

Adds do not re-spawn after being killed.

Vansi Bloodscar


Normal Boss
Makred the Foul

Totem of Gruumsh
Tribal Bracers

 2x Seal of the Lion
Throg the Ravenous

Club of Ogrekind

Many Arrows Armor

 3x Seal of the Lion
Vansi Bloodscar

Boots of the Chieftain, Bloodscar's Armor

3x Seal of the Lion

Epic Boss
Makred the Foul

[Foul Tribal Bracers]

[Seal of the Unicorn]
Throg the Ravenous

[Brutal Club of Ogrekind]

[Seal of the Unicorn]
Vansi Bloodscar
[Stalwart Bulwark's Gauntlets]

[Bloody Boots of the Chieftain]

[Seal of the Unicorn]

Items Descriptions

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